LUO Qing,ZHAO Yong,WANG Xiao-xiong,et al.Treatment of wastewater with high concentration and strong acid phosphorus-containing catalyst additives[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2025,2:156-159.
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Treatment of wastewater with high concentration and strong acid phosphorus-containing catalyst additives
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
罗庆; 赵勇; 王小雄; 刘发强; 张媛; 王树勖
(中国石油石油化工研究院 兰州化工研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730060)
- Author(s):
LUO Qing; ZHAO Yong; WANG Xiao-xiong; LIU Fa-qiang; ZHANG Yuan; WANG Shu-xu
(Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, Petrochemical Research Institute, PetroChina, Lanzhou 730060, China)
- 关键词:
含磷废水; 强电解质盐; 阻聚剂; 总磷质量浓度
- Keywords:
phosphorus-containing wastewater; strong electrolyte salt; polymerization inhibitor; total phosphorus mass concentration
- 分类号:
TE 992.2
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
考察了阻聚剂类型及投加量、pH值、反应时间等条件对高浓度强酸性含磷催化剂助剂废水(以下简称废水)处理效果的影响。结果表明:向废水中直接加入NaOH,在体系pH值升至2~3时会发生强力自聚反应,以强电解质盐为阻聚剂,可以利用盐效应阻止自聚反应的发生;在室温环境下,以MgCl2为阻聚剂,投加量为10 g/L时,调节废水pH值为5,反应60 min,3种废水中总磷质量浓度由10.2,15.1,24.8 g/L依次降至3.02,3.58,3.91 mg/L,总磷去除率达到99%以上。
- Abstract:
The effects of types and dosages of polymerization inhibitors, pH value, reaction time, and other condition on the treatment efficiency of high concentration strongly acidic phosphorus containing catalyst additive wastewater (hereinafter referred to as wastewater) were investigated. The results showed that adding NaOH directly to the wastewater would cause a strong self polymerization reaction when the pH value of the system increased to 2-3,while using strong electrolyte salts as polymerization inhibitors could prevent the occurrence of self polymerization reaction through salt effect. At room temperature, using MgCl2 as a polymerization inhibitor with a dosage of 10 g/L, adjusting the pH value of the wastewater to 5, and reacting for 60 min, the total phosphorus mass concentration in the wastewater decreased from 10.2, 15.1, and 24.8 g/L to 3.02, 3.58, and 3.91 mg/L, respectively, with a total phosphorus removal rate of over 99%.
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