LIU Ting-ting,HE Shun-de,LI Wan-jing,et al.Simulation and optimization for energy saving and consumption reduction of C3 and C4 separation unit[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2022,2:98-101.
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Simulation and optimization for energy saving and consumption reduction of C3 and C4 separation unit
- 作者:
刘亭亭; 何顺德; 李琬菁; 贺赢锋; 代恩东; 毛玲娟; 陈梦君
浙江石油化工有限公司 研发中心,浙江 舟山 316000
- Author(s):
LIU Ting-ting; HE Shun-de; LI Wan-jing; HE Ying-feng; DAI En-dong; MAO Ling-juan; CHEN Meng-jun
R & D Center,Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co Ltd, Zhoushan 316000,China
- 关键词:
碳三与碳四分离装置; 节能降耗; 流程模拟; 脱异丁烷塔; 脱丙烷塔; 模拟优化
- Keywords:
C3 and C4 separation unit; energy saving and consumption reduction; process simulation; de-iso-butane tower; de-propane tower; simulation optimization
- 分类号:
TQ 211
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
为了降低140万t/a碳三与碳四分离装置的能耗,利用Petro-SIM流程模拟软件对装置流程进行模拟与优化,建立了碳三与碳四分离装置操作模型,并依据该模型提出了优化方案。结果表明:通过模型计算得到的产品质量指标与实际产品相近,表明该模型可用于优化指导生产;通过模拟计算,在加工负荷为90%,脱异丁烷塔操作压力由0.93 MPa降至0.65 MPa的模拟优化条件下,丙烷、异丁烷和正丁烷摩尔分数依次为97.26%,98.00%,90.00%,理论上可节约蒸汽流量为9.34 t/h;在实际生产中,利用优化后的操作条件,装置可节约蒸汽流量9.72 t/h,每年可节约费用750.6万元。
- Abstract:
In order to reduce the energy consumption of a 1.4 Mt/a C3 and C4 separation unit, the simulation model for the C3 and C4 separation unit was established, the simulation and optimization for this unit was carried out by Petro-SIM process simulation software, and an optimization scheme was proposed according to the model. The results showed that the product quality indexes calculated by the simulation model were close to that of the actual product, which proved that the model could be used to optimize and guide the unit′s production. Under the processing capacity of 90% and the operating pressure of the iso-butane tower reduced from 0.93 MPa to 0.65 MPa, the mole fractions of propane, iso-butane and n-butane were 97.26%, 98.00%, and 90.00% respectively by simulation, and the steam saving could be 9.34 t/h theoretically. After the optimization operation, the actual steam saving was 9.72 t/h, corresponding to 7.506 million yuan per year.
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- 备注/Memo:
浙江省舟山市科技计划资助项目(项目编号:2021 C 11004);浙江石油化工有限公司科学研究与技术开发资助项目(项目编号:ZSH-RD-21-051)
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