JIA Hai-long,WANG Yuan-yuan,MA Jie,et al.Carbon emission assessment and carbon reduction measures formedium-sized refinery[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2022,2:139-143.
- 期数:
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- Title:
Carbon emission assessment and carbon reduction measures formedium-sized refinery
- 作者:
贾海龙1; 王园园2; 马杰2; 常鑫1; 杨晓航1; 2; 郭忠森1; 2*
1.盘锦浩业化工有限公司,辽宁 盘锦 124124;2.大连理工大学盘锦产业技术研究院 浩业分院,辽宁 盘锦 124221
- Author(s):
JIA Hai-long1; WANG Yuan-yuan2; MA Jie2; CHANG Xin1; YANG Xiao-hang1; 2; GUO Zhong-sen1; 2
1.Panjin Haoye Chemical Co Ltd,Panjin 124124,China;2.Haoye Branch,DUT-Panjin Industrial Technology Institute,Panjin 124221,China
- 关键词:
碳排放; 碳中和; 碳减排; 碳捕集; 制氢装置; 电力; 蒸汽
- Keywords:
carbon emission; carbon neutral; carbon reduction; carbon capture; hydrogen production unit; power; steam
- 分类号:
TE 08
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
针对某中型炼油厂,依照SH/T 5000—2011和SH/T 3110—2001核算其碳排放量,考察了不同生产工艺和不同碳捕集技术对碳减排的作用效果。结果表明:该炼油厂碳排放量列前3位的装置依次为煤制氢装置、催化裂化装置和延迟焦化装置,占比分别为21.37%,16.00%,11.96%;制氢装置的主要碳排放源为工艺排放CO2,约占装置总排放量的95.0%以上,采用膜法回收制氢解吸气中H2与CO2的耦合工艺,可实现直接碳排放减排量为152.86 kmol/h,回收CO2为5 380 t/a;通过减少以电力和蒸汽为主的公用工程消耗,可降低CO2的间接排放;新型悬浮床渣油加氢工艺装置较传统焦化装置具有显著降低碳排放的作用。
- Abstract:
Based on SH/T 5000—2011 and SH/T 3110—2001,the carbon emission of a medium-sized refinery was calculated,and the effects of different production processes and carbon capture technologies on carbon emission reduction were investigated. The results showed that the top 3 units of carbon emission were coal hydrogen production unit,catalytic cracking unit and delayed coking unit,accounting for 21.37%,16.00% and 11.96% respectively. The main carbon emission source of hydrogen production unit was process CO2,accounting for more than 95.0% of the total emissions of the unit. The direct carbon emission reduction of 152.86 kmol/h and CO2 recovery of 5 380 t/a could be achieved by using the coupling process of hydrogen and CO2 in the dehydrosuction of hydrogen production by membrane method. It could be reducing indirect CO2 emissions by reducing utility consumption represented by electricity and steam. Compared with the traditional coking unit,the new process represented by the suspended bed residue hydrogenation unit could be reducing carbon emissions significantly.
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