ZHANG Xiang-jun.Technical renovation of lube oil feed pretreatment unitfor light crude oil processing adaptation[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2022,3:194-198.
- 期数:
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- Title:
Technical renovation of lube oil feed pretreatment unitfor light crude oil processing adaptation
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
中国石油化工股份有限公司 济南分公司,山东 济南 250100
- Author(s):
ZHANG Xiang-jun
Jinan Branch Company, SINOPEC, Jinan 250100, China
- 关键词:
原油轻质化; 润滑油原料预处理; 装置负荷率; 闪蒸塔; 换热终温; 节能降耗; 技术改造
- Keywords:
light crude oil; lube oil raw material pretreatment; unit load rate; flash tower; final heat transfer temperature; energy saving and consumption reduction; technical renovation
- 分类号:
TE 624
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
针对中国石化济南分公司2.5 Mt/a润滑油原料预处理装置在加工轻质化进口原油时,面临着其闪蒸塔与常压塔塔顶的压力、汽油产品流量及其冷却后回流温度均在接近控制指标上限高位运行的困境,并且汽油产量高而外送困难,以及减压中段泵超负荷运行等系列安全生产瓶颈,实施了将闪蒸塔改造成初馏塔,以及配套技改措施,并优化了换热网络。结果表明:技改后,装置轻质化原油平均加工量增长了20%,相应的原油加工负荷率、汽油收率分别提高了14.73,2.00个百分点;与技改前同期相比,技改后换热网络节能降耗效果显著,原油换热终温提高了约12 ℃,综合能耗(以标准油计)达到 8.55 kg/t,同比下降了0.37 kg /t。
- Abstract:
The 2.5 Mt/a lube oil feed pretreatment unit of Jinan Company, SINOPEC, had been facing the operation difficulties for nearly 2 a, such as the flash tower and atmospheric tower top pressure, gas product flow rate and its reflux temperature after cooling were operating close to the corresponding upper limit control index, and the gasoline production yield was large but difficult to send out, as well as a series of safety production bottlenecks standing out including that the vacuum pumps in middle section had been working with overload when processing the more amount of light imported crude oil. Therefore,the following technical renovation measures were carried out, such as the flash tower was revamped into a primary distillation one and its matching technical revamping measures were implemented and the heat exchange network was optimized in the resumption of production. The results showed that after the technical renovation,the average processing capacity of this unit increased 20%, and the corresponding crude oil processing load rate and gasoline yield increased 14.73 and 2.00 percentage points respectively. Moreover, compared with the same period situation before the implementation of technical renovation, the optimized heat exchange network had a significant effect of energy saving and consumption reduction, i.e. the final heat transfer temperature of crude oil increased about 12 ℃ and the comprehensive energy consumption(based on the equivalent standard oil) reached 8.55 kg/t, with a decline of 0.37 kg/t.
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