[1]谌基国 a,李永江 b,范刚 c,等.高熔体流动速率茂金属聚丙烯性能评价[J].石化技术与应用,2022,4:254-257.
SHEN Ji-guo a,LI Yong-jiang b,FAN Gang c,et al.Performance evaluation of high melt flow rate metallocene polypropylene[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2022,4:254-257.
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Performance evaluation of high melt flow rate metallocene polypropylene
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
谌基国1 a; 2; 李永江1 b; 范刚1 c; 丰雷1 b; 谷新华1 b
1.中国石油独山子石化公司a.研究院,b.聚烯烃二部,c.生产运行处,新疆 克拉玛依833699;2.新疆橡塑材料实验室,新疆 克拉玛依 833699
- Author(s):
SHEN Ji-guo1 a; 2; LI Yong-jiang1 b; FAN Gang1 c; FENG Lei1 b; GU Xin-hua1 b
1. a.Research Institute,b.2nd Polyolefin Department,c.Production and Operation Department, Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,PetroChina, Karamay 833699,China;2.Xinjiang Laboratory of Rubber-Plastic Material, Karamay 833699,China
- 关键词:
聚丙烯; 茂金属; 催化剂; 高熔体流动速率; 熔喷
- Keywords:
polypropylene; metallocene; catalyst; high melt flow rate; melt-blown
- 分类号:
TQ 342.62
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
采用美国GRACE公司生产的茂金属聚丙烯(mPP)催化剂,在中国石油独山子石化公司国产第2代环管工艺聚丙烯装置上进行了高熔体流动速率mPP的生产,对产品性能进行了评价,并进行了熔喷布试生产。结果表明:生产的高熔体流动速率mPP熔体流动速率可达到150 g/min,其粉料经造粒后熔体流动速率下降约25%;与降解法熔喷料相比,高熔体流动速率mPP的结晶(熔融)温度、结晶度、灰分和挥发分质量分数明显较低,氧化诱导期相当,但混料后的高熔体流动速率mPP生产的熔喷布纤维较粗,布面偏硬,过滤效率低。
- Abstract:
High melt flow rate metallocene polypropylene(mPP) was produced by adopting metallocene catalyst in the 2nd generation round-pipe polypropylene unit in Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,PetroChina. The performance of the product was evaluated and the melt-blown fabric test was carried out. The results showed that the melt flow rate of mPP could reach 150 g/min, and the melt flow rate of mPP had decreased about 25% after granulation. The crystallization temperature, the mass fraction of crystallinity, ash content and volatiles of the high melt flow rate mPP were obviously lower than those of degradation melt-blown material, and the oxidation induction period was similar. However, the melt-blown fabric produced by the high melt flow rate mPP was thicker, the cloth surface was harder, and the filtration efficiency was lower.
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- 备注/Memo:
国家重点研发计划资助项目(项目编号:2021 YFB 3800704)
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