GUO Da-jiang,SUN Li-min,WANG Sheng-wei,et al.Preparation of nickel-based low-temperature methanation catalystand its properties[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2022,5:326-329.
- 期数:
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- Title:
Preparation of nickel-based low-temperature methanation catalystand its properties
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
郭大江1; 孙利民1; 王生伟2; 王斌1; 蒋彩兰1; 胡晓丽1
1.中国石油石油化工研究院 兰州化工研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730060 2.中国石油四川石化有限责任公司,四川 成都 610036
- Author(s):
GUO Da-jiang1; SUN Li-min1; WANG Sheng-wei2; WANG Bin1; JIANG Cai-lan1; HU Xiao-li1
1.Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center,Petrochemical Research Institute,PetroChina,Lanzhou 730060,China;2.Sichuan Petrochemical Co Ltd,PetroChina,Chengdu 610036,China
- 关键词:
甲烷氢; 低温甲烷化; 镍基催化剂; 长周期稳定性
- Keywords:
methane hydrogen; low-temperature methanation; nickel-based catalyst; long period stability
- 分类号:
TQ 221.1+1
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
采用中和沉淀法制备了比表面积和孔体积分别为161 m2/g,0.34 cm3/g的镍基低温甲烷化催化剂;同时,使用该催化剂通过甲烷化反应脱除了甲烷氢中的CO与CO2。结果表明:于微反装置中,在体积空速为5 000~10 000 h-1,反应压力为2 MPa,反应温度为150~165 ℃的条件下,可使自制的混合原料气中CO入口体积分数(5 000~6 000)×10-6与CO2的(120~150)×10-6均降至0.100×10-6以下,低温加氢性能与原料适应性良好;在连续1 400 h工业侧线评价试验中,于入口温度为160 ℃,反应压力为2.5 MPa,体积空速为8 000 h-1的条件下,可以使工业侧线粗氢气中CO体积分数由(1 300~2 000)×10-6降至1.0×10-6以下,催化剂具有优异的长周期稳定性。
- Abstract:
A nickel-based low-temperature methanation catalyst with specific surface area and pore volume of 161 m2/g and 0.34 cm3/g respectively was prepared by neutralization precipitation method.At the same time, the catalyst was used to remove CO and CO2 from the methane hydrogen by methanation reaction.The results showed that in the micro-reaction device, under the conditions of volume space velocity of 5 000-10 000 h-1, reaction pressure of 2 MPa, and reaction temperature of 150-165 ℃,the inlet volume fraction of CO(5 000-6 000) ×10-6 and CO2(120-150) ×10-6 in self-made mixed raw gas was reduced to less than 0.100×10-6, the catalyst′s low-temperature hydrogenation ability and the adaptability of raw material were better.In the continuous 1 400 h industrial side line evaluation test, under the conditions of inlet temperature of 160 ℃, reaction pressure of 2.5 MPa, and volume space velocity of 8 000 h-1, the volume fraction of CO(1 300-2 000)×10-6 in industrial side line crude hydrogen was reduced to less than 1.0×10-6, and the catalyst had excellent long period stability.
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