YU Yong,SONG Yan-hong,TAO Quan-bao,et al.Simulation and optimization of demethanization and propylene recovery control in methanol to olefins unit[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2022,6:416-422.
- 期数:
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- Title:
Simulation and optimization of demethanization and propylene recovery control in methanol to olefins unit
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
于泳1; 宋艳红1; 陶全保1; 汪泽强1; 费建国1; 刘桂莲2*
1.中安联合煤化有限责任公司,安徽 淮南 232092; 2. 西安交通大学 化学工程与技术学院,陕西 西安 710049
- Author(s):
YU Yong1; SONG Yan-hong1; TAO Quan-bao1; WANG Ze-qiang1; FEI Jian-guo1; LIU Gui-lian2
1. Zhong′an United Coal Chemical Co Ltd, Huainan 232092,China; 2. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Xi′an Jiaotong University, Xi′an 710049,China
- 关键词:
甲醇制烯烃; 脱甲烷塔; 丙烯回收单元; 节能降耗; 模拟优化
- Keywords:
methanol to olefin; demethanizer; propylene recovery unit; energy saving and consumption reduction; simulation and optimization
- 分类号:
TQ 021.8
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
针对某公司180万t/a(以甲醇进料计)甲醇制烯烃(MTO)装置运行中能耗高的问题,用Aspen Plus软件对该装置的脱甲烷塔(T 202)和丙烯回收单元进行了模拟和灵敏度分析,确定了简单可行的优化改造方案。结果表明:T 202、丙烯回收单元精馏塔(T 205)的灵敏板分别为第9,第85块塔板,其灵敏板的运行参数与相应产品控制组分变化呈现一一对应关系,均可反映并指导相应塔釜及其产品质量的操控;用流经冷却器(E 201)的碳四洗液加热T 202的进料至0 ℃,不仅可使其乙烯产品满足质量分数不小于99.95%的质量控制要求,而且可降低再沸器和冷凝器的能耗,节省丙烯冷却剂费用402.6万元/a;当T 205和T 206丙烯回收单元两精馏塔的操控压力分别降至1.674,1.600 MPa时,不仅T 206的回流比可降为12.3,并可将T 205塔底丙烷产品中含丙烯质量分数降至0.2%,减少丙烯损失量约为70 kg/h,同时相应减少冷凝器循环水、再沸器急冷水的消耗量分别为62.9,18.9 t/h。
- Abstract:
Aiming at the problem of high energy consumption in the operation of the methanol-to-olefin (MTO) unit with the processing capacity of 1.8 Mt/a(basing on methanol feed), Aspen Plus software was used to simulate and analyze the sensitivity of the demethanizer(T 202) and the propylene recovery unit, and a simple and feasible optimization scheme was worked out. The results showed that: the sensitive plate of T 202 and the rectification tower(T 205) of propylene recovery unit was the 9th, 85th plate, respectively, and the operation parameters of the sensitive plate were in one-to-one correspondence with the changes of the control components of the corresponding target products, which could reflect and guide the operation of T 202, T 205 and the relevant product quality control. It not only made its ethylene product meet the quality control requirements(mass fraction not less than 99.95%) by heating T 202 feed to 0 ℃ with the C4 washing liquid flowing through the cooler E 201, but also reduced the energy consumption of reboiler and condenser, saving the cost of propylene coolant of 4.026 million Yuan/a. When the control pressure of both rectifying columns T 205 and T 206 of the propylene recovery unit was reduced to 1.674,1.600 MPa, respectively, not only the reflux ratio of T 206 decreased to 12.3, but also the mass fraction of propylene in the bottom propane product of T 205 could be reduced to 0.2%, and the loss of propylene can be reduced by about 70 kg/h, meanwhile, the consumptions of the circulating water for condenser and the quench water for reboiler could be reduced by 62.9, 18.9 t/h, respectively.
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