WU Ying-qi,LI Tai-shan,MAO Wei.Comparative analysis of energy consumption of pulverized coal gasification and coal water slurry gasification[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2023,2:122-125.
- 期数:
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- Title:
Comparative analysis of energy consumption of pulverized coal gasification and coal water slurry gasification
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
吴璎芪1; 李泰山2; 毛炜1
(1.贵州航天迈未科技有限公司,贵州 贵阳 550300;2.内蒙古伊泰化工有限责任公司,内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017400)
- Author(s):
WU Ying-qi1; LI Tai-shan2; MAO Wei1
(1. Guizhou Aerospace MWAY Technology Co Ltd,Guiyang 550300,China;2. Inner Mongolia Yitai Chemical Co Ltd,Ordos 017400,China)
- 关键词:
粉煤气化; 水煤浆气化; 合成气; 能耗; Aspen Plus模拟; 二氧化碳减排
- Keywords:
pulverized coal gasification; coal water slurry gasification; syngas; energy consumption; Aspen Plus simulation; carbon dioxide emission reduction
- 分类号:
TQ 546.4
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
以内蒙古伊泰化工有限责任公司120万t/a精细化学品项目的实际运行数据为依据,采用Aspen Plus模拟软件,对比分析了相同压力下粉煤气化技术和水煤浆气化技术的综合能耗;另外,以水煤浆气化煤制甲醇装置为研究对象,分析了不同压力下水煤浆气化技术的综合能耗。结果表明:在气化单元和变换单元中,于4.2 MPa条件下,与水煤浆气化技术相比,采用粉煤气化技术综合能耗可降低1 249.99 MJ;采用水煤浆气化技术,与4.2 MPa气化压力相比,6.5 MPa的全流程综合能耗降低746 MJ,相对差值为3.8%。
- Abstract:
Based on the actual operation data from 1.2 million t/a fine chemicals project of Inner Mongolia Yitai Chemical Co Ltd and Aspen Plus simulation results, the comprehensive energy consumption of pulverized coal gasification technology and coal water slurry gasification technology under the same operating pressure was compared and analyzed. In addition, the comprehensive energy consumption of coal water slurry gasification technology under different operating pressures was also analyzed for coal-to-methanol plants. The results showed that compared with coal water slurry gasification technology, the energy consumption of pulverized coal gasification technology could be reduced by 1 249.99 MJ under 4.2 MPa operating pressure in gasification unit and conversion unit. For coal water slurry gasification technology, compared with 4.2 MPa operating condition, the comprehensive energy consumption of the whole process with 6.5 MPa operating pressure was reduced by 746 MJ, which equals to the relative difference of 3.8%.
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