LIU Fan,ZHENG Pei,LI Ye,et al.Industrial application of denitration additive QKJ-DN/1 in fluid catalytic cracking unit[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2023,4:292-294.
- 期数:
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- Title:
Industrial application of denitration additive QKJ-DN/1 in fluid catalytic cracking unit
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
刘帆; 郑培; 李烨; 陈银平; 薛前明; 冯龙
(中国石油宁夏石化公司 炼油一部,宁夏 银川 750021)
- Author(s):
LIU Fan; ZHENG Pei; LI Ye; CHEN Yin-ping; XUE Qian-ming; FENG Long
( No.1 Refining Department of Ningxia Petrochemical Company,PetroChina,Yinchuan 750021,China)
- 关键词:
催化裂化; 脱硝助剂; 氮氧化物; 再生烟气
- Keywords:
fluid catalytic cracking; denitrification additive; nitrogen oxides; flue gas
- 分类号:
TE 624.41
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
介绍了脱硝助剂QKJ-DN/1在中国石油宁夏石化公司催化裂化装置的应用情况。结果表明:与空白标定期相比,当系统中脱硝助剂占总催化剂藏量的质量分数为2.76%时,烟气中氮氧化物质量浓度由185 mg/m3降至142 mg/m3,脱硝效率为23.2%;烟气脱硫装置外排废水中氨氮质量浓度由25.62 mg/L降至1.39 mg/L;产品中液化气、汽油和焦炭收率依次降低了0.87,0.75,0.11个百分点;柴油和干气收率分别增加了1.72,0.06个百分点;脱硝助剂的加入,对催化裂化装置汽油、柴油产品质量无影响。
- Abstract:
The industrial application of denitrification additive QKJ-DN/1 in fluid catalytic cracking unit of Ningxia Petrochemical Company,PetroChina,was introduced. The results showed that, compared with the blank standard period, when the mass fraction of denitration additive in the system was 2.76%,the mass concentration of nitrogen oxides in flue gas decreased from 185 mg/m3 to 142 mg/m3; the denitrifiation efficiency was 23.2%, and the mass concentration of ammonia nitrogen in waste water from flue gas desulfurization plant decreased from 25.62 mg/L to 1.39 mg/L. In addition, the yield of liquefied gas, gasoline and coke decreased by 0.87, 0.75, 0.11 percentage points respectively, and the yield of diesel and dry gas increased by 1.72 and 0.06 percentage points respectively. The addition of denitrification additives had no influence on the quality of gasoline and diesel products of fluid catalytic cracking unit.
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