[1]邓起垚,吴希,辛麟,等.催化剂BCE-H 200在高密度聚乙烯装置上的应用[J].石化技术与应用,2024,1:40-44.
DENG Qi-yao,WU Xi,XIN Lin,et al.Industrial application of catalyst BCE-H 200 in high density polyethylene unit[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2024,1:40-44.
催化剂BCE-H 200在高密度聚乙烯装置上的应用(PDF)
- 期数:
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- Title:
Industrial application of catalyst BCE-H 200 in high density polyethylene unit
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
邓起垚; 吴希; 辛麟; 荣力超; 余宗蔚
中韩(武汉)石油化工有限公司,湖北 武汉 430000
- Author(s):
DENG Qi-yao; WU Xi; XIN Lin; RONG Li-chao; YU Zong-wei
SINOPEC-SK (Wuhan) Petrochemical Co Ltd, Wuhan 430000, China
- 关键词:
高密度聚乙烯; Hostalen ACP 工艺; 催化剂; 注塑料; 薄膜料; 活性; 粒径; 堆积密度; 相对分子质量及其分布
- Keywords:
high density polyethylene; Hostalen ACP technology; catalyst; injection resin; film resin; activity; particle size; bulk density; relative molecular weight and its distribution
- 分类号:
TQ 325.1+2
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
在中韩(武汉)石油化工有限公司Hostalen ACP高密度聚乙烯装置上,采用国产催化剂BCE-H 200分别替代进口催化剂Z 501和Z 509生产了高密度聚乙烯注塑料和薄膜料。分析对比了3种催化剂的活性及粉料粒径分布、堆积密度,并对生产的注塑料和薄膜料进行了表征分析。结果表明:BCE-H 200的活性较Z 501低13.8%,较Z 509高49.2%,其氢调敏感性较Z 501和Z 509低;BCE-H 200生产注塑料和薄膜料时,粉料的粒径分布比进口催化剂Z 501和Z 509更集中,细粉更少,但堆积密度低;采用催化剂BCE-H 200替代催化剂Z 501生产的注塑料刚性较高,韧性较低,相对分子质量分布更宽;采用催化剂BCE-H 200替代催化剂Z 509生产的薄膜料,力学性能变化不大,相对分子质量分布更宽。
- Abstract:
Injection resin and film resin was produced by domestic catalyst BCE-H 200,which superseded 2 imported catalysts(Z 501 and Z 509),in the high density polyethylene unit of SINOPEC-SK (Wuhan) Petrochemical Co Ltd,which applies Hostalen ACP technology. Comparing three catalysts′activity,and particle size distributions,bulk density of the resin powders, and the properties of resins produced by three catalysts was analyzed. The results showed that the activity of BCE-H 200 was 49.2% higher than that of Z 509 and was 13.8% lower than that of Z 501, while the sensitivity of hydrogen response of BCE-H 200 was lower than both the Z 501′s and Z 509′s. The particle sizes of resin powders of BCE-H 200 were more concentrated and larger, while the bulk density of resin powders of BCE-H 200 was less than Z 501′s and Z 509′s. Comparing with Z 501, the injection resin produced by BCE-H 200 had higher rigidity and lower impact property, while its molecular weight distribution was wider. The film resin produced by BCE-H 200 was similar to the resin produced by Z 509 in the aspects of physical and mechanical properties,while its relative molecular weight distribution was wider.
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