XIAN Nan-ying,WANG Hong-qiu,ZHOU Xiao-yang.Current status and development trend of refined oil′s supply anddemand in China[J].Petrochemical technology & application,2022,3:149-152.
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
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- Title:
Current status and development trend of refined oil′s supply anddemand in China
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
鲜楠莹; 王红秋*; 周笑洋
中国石油石油化工研究院 战略与信息研究室,北京 102206
- Author(s):
XIAN Nan-ying; WANG Hong-qiu; ZHOU Xiao-yang
Strategy and Information Research Division, Petrochemical Research Institute,PetroChina, Beijing 102206, China
- 关键词:
成品油; 供需市场; 汽油; 柴油; 煤油; 现状; 发展趋势
- Keywords:
refined oil; supply-demand market; gasoline; diesel; kerosene; current status; development trend
- 分类号:
F 426
- DOI:
- 文献标识码:
- 摘要:
综述了近5 a中国成品油(汽油、煤油、柴油)市场供需发展情况,指出当前国内成品油已产能过剩,近年来其总产量小幅增加、增速逐步放缓,柴汽比逐年下降,表观总消费量出现拐点,交通运输业成为我国成品油需求增长的最主要拉动力。分析了未来宏观经济环境、产业环境、替代燃料发展前景等因素对我国成品油供需市场发展趋势的影响。预测其总需求将于2025年达到峰值,尽管市场未来5 a将按照“汽缓、煤增、柴降”的格局演进,但是,作为交通运输燃料的主导力量,在未来一二十年不会发生根本性的改变。
- Abstract:
The supply-demand development of China′s refined oil(gasoline, kerosene, diesel) market in recent 5 a was reviewed. It was pointed out that the current domestic refined oil production capacity had been excessive in recent years, its total output increased slightly, the growth rate slowed down, the ratio of diesel to gasoline decreased year by year, however, the apparent total consumption had reached an inflection point, and the transportation industry had been the main driving force for the growth of China′s refined oil demand.Then the influences of macroeconomic environment, industrial environment, alternative fuel development prospect and other factors on the development trend of China′s refined oil supply and demand market were analyzed. It was predicted that its total demand would peak in 2025, although the market would evolve according to the pattern of "gasoline production slowing down, kerosene production increasing and diesel production reducing" in the next 5 a, the leading force of refined oil as transportation fuel would not fundamentally change in the next ten to twenty years.
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